The new extension of Lauder Javne Kingergarten removed the load of the eclectic mansion, that struggles with the lack of space, providing pleasant new places for the preschoolers’ development. The plan of Szokolyai Gábor and his team blends into the…
Lauder Javne Kindergarten Extension - Budapest

Church of Márkháza

The Church of Márkháza was made by the Ybl-prize winning architect István Szabó; it differs from his church-buildings in Budapest (a majority of which use concrete as structure). Thebuilding respects is environment by using simple materials and forms. architect: István SZABÓ…
Corvin Corner Offices - Budapest

The site is located in the Corvin quarter; on the corner of Futó utca and Práter utca; next to the Corvin quarter shopping mall and a lower, hundred-years-old building. The architectural situation is complex; the building is on the edge…
Schaár Erzsébet Museum - Pécs

The postmodern building called "Museum street" - architect: István Janáky - houses the last work of Erzsébet Schaár (1908-1975) in 1991. architect: Jr. István JANÁKY, László MEDITZ year of design/construction: 1985/1986-90 photography: © Attila RÖDER, © József HAJDÚ This reconstructed…
Rehabilitation of Castle district - Sopron

The Castle district is a U-shaped field at the place of the water ditch, which is encircled by the old city wall. Its traditional architectural image is rather a square than a boulevard, which width is exceptionally variable at the…
Deák house / Szeniczey Mansion - Paks

The municipality of Paks organised a competition for the historic downtown in January 2001. The winner team was comissioned to make a study plan in May 2002. The main concept was to create a cultural isle at the historic centre…
Reconstruction of Kossuth square, New Visitors' Centre - Budapest

Kossuth Lajos square is located next to the Hungarian Parliament, is definitely one of the most significant squares of the country, not just in communal and representative, but in turistical aspects too. Its restoration means the reconsideration of an important…
Rehabilitation Institute for Blind People - Tata

Designing the rehabilitation institute needed thorough research and preparation. The facility creates a space for those adults whose sight is damaged and is getting worse, to prepare and adjust them for the life after they lose their sight completely. This…
Trinitychurch - Fehérgyarmat

Fehérgyarmat is a small town in the North-Eastern part of Hungary, one of the most determinant place in the Szatmári-plate, which was an important trading center in the past. Before the dedication of the church in August 1999 Fehérgyarmat had…
Csergezán viewing tower - Mountain Nagy-Kopasz

The look-out tower of Nagy Kopasz-hegy is located in the Budai mountains, between Budakeszi, Telki and Nagykovácsi, far from anything human made. The tower is barely visible from the roads nearby, its wood structure is well hidden in the forest.…
Education and resort building - Badacsonytomaj

The building is Gábor Turányi's first independent work made in 1981, for which he received the Ybl prize, Hungary’s most prestigious architectural award. He worked at the ÁÉTV (Általános Épülettervező Vállalat, the General Building Design Company) at the time, which…
Holy Family Catholic Community Building - Hernád

The shape and the positioning of the small community building follows the tradition of the old village-house from the Hungarian Plain; though the slight change in the angle of the roof and the detailing makes it ook like a public…
PPKE Faculty of Information Technology - Budapest

The second phase of the PPKE Faculty of Information Technology was opened in december 2004. The closed mass is a real strong architectural statement in itself, a composition that was created with a radical, but clear approach. leading architect: Mihály BALÁZS architects: Tamás…
All Saints' Roman Catholic Church, Farkasrét - Budapest

The building in Farkasrét was the first church built under the communist era. Isván Szabó architect (1914-1988) was also a part of the congregation and worked on the plans for free, and also took part in the construction. architect: István…
Roman Catholic Parish - Üröm

The studio’s first built project is the Roman Catholic parish, associated with the congregation of Üröm. leading architects: Balázs FALVAI, Dávid TÖRÖK, Márton NAGY - DMB Műterem Kft. architectural consultant: Mihály BALÁZS year of design/construction: 2010/2014 photo: © Tamás SZENTIRMAI…
Kocka Bar - Budapest

The Kocka bar is located in the heart of the entertainment district of Budapest, in the busy junction of a pedestrian walkway and the bar-street of Kazinczy utca. Its freestanding situation is unique in the surrounding, and the monolithic cubic…
Lutheran church - Balatonboglár

The lutheran church of Balatonboglár stands near to the edge of the city, seamlessly fitting into the hill of Boglár at the border of the nature reserve. The construction was preceded by an invitation-based competition. One of the most important…
New Visitor's Entrance for the Benedictine Archabbey - Pannonhalma

The Benedictine Pannonhalma Archabbey is visited by thousands of tourists every year. For the monks it has become annoying, they feel that their privacy is disturbed by the visitors. For this reason, among the Archabbey’s long-term plans there was a…
Lutheran Church - Kisfalud

The Lutheran Church in the Village of “Kisfalud” is the first completed church by Béla Pazár. The building was erected behind an existing belfry, however the basic conception was not developed from the idea to integrate the tower. leading architect:…
Fusion - Cellar Bar and Bull’s Blood Museum - Eger

The complex of Gál Tibor Winery is situated on Csiky Sándor street in Eger includes a restaurant, cellarbar, wine-cellar, museum, shop and office. leading architect: Dénes FAJCSÁK, Gábor FÁBIÁN - Arkt Építész Stúdió Kft. cooperating architect: Tamás FENES, interior: Veronika JUHÁSZ, visualization:…
Gilvesy Winery - Hegymagas

One can hardly find a natural environment more original, more insipiring in our country than the slopes of the Balaton Highlands’ monadnocks. The Gilvesy Winery is situated in a monumental environment in the National Park of the Balaton Highlands, at…
Municipal Library and Information Centre of Gödöllő

To get a comprehensive picture of the library, we have to look back until 1953, the foundation of this institution. In the 90's, the old building's state was in such bad condition, that a reconstruction was unable. The library's equipments…