Central Hungary

Roman Catholic Parish - Üröm

Roman Catholic Parish - Üröm

The studio’s first built project is the Roman Catholic parish, associated with the congregation of Üröm. leading architects: Balázs FALVAI, Dávid TÖRÖK, Márton NAGY - DMB Műterem Kft. architectural consultant: Mihály BALÁZS year of design/construction: 2010/2014 photo: © Tamás SZENTIRMAI…

Daycare in Zsámbék

Daycare in Zsámbék

The daycare is situated on the periphery of Zsámbék in an architecturally neutral environment. It is near to the nursery designed by Attila Turi, that played an important role in the design process. The two houses became forming elements of…

Kindergarten - Törökbálint

Kindergarten - Törökbálint

The municipality of Törökbálint announced a public and a secret architectural competition on developing the local kindergarten in 2005. Mihály Balázs’s plan won the jury’s appreciation byusing natural materials and energy-saving structures. The winning plan was financiallysupported by the European…

Mindszenty Gymnasium - Esztergom

Mindszenty Gymnasium - Esztergom

The gymnasium in Esztergom, designed by Tamás Karácsony and Péter Janesch, was built in 2002. architects in charge: Tamás KARÁCSONY, Péter JANESCH - Karácsony Építész Iroda Kft. cooperating architects: Péter KLOBUSOVSZKI, Márton KOVÁCS, Tibor SZALAI, Gábor ZOMBOR year of design/construction:…

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