In 2002 an invited design competition was signed for the expansion of II. Rákóczi Ferenc High School. The first price winner plan of the Építész Stúdio was a brave reconstruction of the building. The key concepts of the plan is…
Wildflower Kindergarten – Veszprém
„The group rooms surround the yard the way little children cling together.” – Építész Stúdió The original building of the suburban kindergarten built in the 80s had significant structural problems. As the renovation would have been uneconomical, the local government…
Tamás Széchy Swimming Complex - Budapest
On the occasion of the Swimming Championships of 2006, the expansion of Alfréd HAJÓS National Swimming Pool was decided. In the autumn of 2004, the design competition was proposed and then won by Ferenc KELLER and Sándor PÁLFY (Építész Stúdió).…